• be the shark or jump it – thats what it comes down to #
  • @dahowlett – ROFL #
  • thanks @dahowlett – was watching that while speaking to someone on my cell (shudder) #
  • @garyvee – sleep? #
  • http://tinyurl.com/5mcbvj – nice to see @jott getting the NYTimes love #
  • @drtiki – that is the best news I have heard all day #
  • http://tinyurl.com/6jmtgk – wish NFL films would make their videos share-able, its a great showpiece for what we do #
  • a jackknife to a swan and he was gone #
  • @micah – double down on the douchebaggery! #
  • @micah – nice work – you crashed filterbox… 😉 needs more cowbell #

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