• @Pistachio: same feeling I got with desktop pub, then the web then blogging & then video: tools easier/cheaper transform consumers to makers #
  • @schnittlich – welcome to the twitter feed – how have you been? #
  • funny… two old-school, hardcore, 90’s era interactive guys I used to work with/for pinged me today…funny #
  • Classic SNL – “Give me a Sandwich and a Douchebag, and there is nothing I cannot do.” #
  • great conversation with another buddy in startup land… passing him on to my other buddies in agency land – lots of interesting opps #
  • @ccarfi – WoS? World of Statecraft? #
  • @halley_hopkins – sounds like a fun event… #
  • @AdamBroitman – there is a GTD plugin that does some of what you want… is just OK – not great – http://www.davidco.com/store/other.php #
  • @micah – 1987? god I feel old (thanks for that) #
  • “its unusual for the loser to take a victory lap” #
  • @chrisbrogan:saying no a huge prob 4 me (& the guilt that goes with overextending) – also not able 2 “let go” & work the prob till i suffer #
  • @technosailor – after what happened with Nader? they wouldnt do that 🙂 #
  • @samharrelson – skippy in the yellow striped shirt is freakin me out #
  • @QueenofSpain – thanks for that – just spit soda all over the keyboard 🙂 #

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