• Vegas and Seattle in Aug… maybe a stop in AZ, possibly SFO… #
  • @BostonDave – all the time, twitter keeps going down so I can’t tell everyone 🙂 #
  • TY @jminni 🙂 #
  • @salimismail – users are in charge – go nuts 🙂 #
  • The Fail Whale Sets Sail When West Coasters Start Their Toasters #
  • @srdill they shouldn’t be tweeting/facebooking/upcoming or anything that leaves a trail – some SocMedia is max trust/min personal security #
  • @TJNYC – thank you thank you thank you – weatherman subtitle fail is AWESOME #
  • @chrisbrogan – discovery/design the most fun – true dat #
  • @affiliatetip – Cory Booker gets a huge mention in the book “Life Entrepreneurs”by Gergen and Vanourek #

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