• @VRM VRM I am all for it! #
  • @drtiki – please make more things… #
  • @Pistachio – its open with LOTS of A-Lists #
  • when the memo went out to everyone that they no longer need to check their work & half-assed was ok & mistakes are no biggie, where was I? #
  • @chrisbrogan – storytelling is where it is at 🙂 #
  • @davidavdavid – nice work – your product? where the hell is the Boston version 🙂 #
  • our CEO is wearing shorts… summer dress code locked and loaded #
  • you will make more money by giving it away – http://tinyurl.com/5zo53t #
  • @technosailor – are you playing buzzword bingo there? extra points for paradigm, sea change, synergy and eyeballs #
  • @TJCNYC TRUE: not huge b/c they dont think in terms of digital/interactive/etc.- avg person doesnt share the same context with marketers #
  • @TJNYC – good artists copy, great artists steal – be my guest 🙂 #
  • @micah – thats a good way to start the day #
  • todo list bankruptcy reached #
  • @srdillhttp://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/769422/ #
  • missing the tweetup and not too happy about it… how could I miss the barking crab??? #

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