Bloggers love to bitch about things
complaints about the current world of social software, media – how do we make it more useful and understandable
shannon – too much social software – designed inclusively
value is diminishing
why you use these services vs how or what it does
make them less complicated and not in data islands
Eric Rice – we do not look outside – talk about users and not people
middle america need to plug up and stop talking in jargon
jz – working on something for yahoo finannce – brought in focus groups
mous trackin eyes – couldnt get there – dont know what normal people do
web2.0 conf – brought i panel of teams
maybe we need more people like that here
other kinds of user interfaces – perhaps the best interface is tbd things
ambient and voice interfaces
Ali Alplay – people in the room thinking about three dimensions –
1. geo – what we are building is meant to change the world – all of the world
thinking global
2. time – lot of visionaries in the room – talking to those who already have in their mind – in your mind it is histoy – fuel emmission car is dead but solar powered plane isnt here yet
3. Scale –
peoplehave been good at proclaiming things are dead without telling us what will replace it
Mr Pirillo – goes on long enough to check email – spends a couple of hours a day
Niall – prob with social media – as we index more and more – what info am i putting online that can be used against me
Kaliya – need things in the digital world that protect us in the real world