So 1 week ago Gnomdex kicked off… what a blast.
I have been spending a little time each day revising my liveblogging of the panels and unconferences. Man, I am not a touch typist and this was a ton of work. It has really been fun to clean it up and relive a little bit of what was going on at the time. I keep needing to recheck gnomedex‘ s wiki for speaker info, correct spellings of names etc. I havent blogged at all since the conference ended, and I am a little disappointed about that. The biggest disappointment I have with my own blogging is that calendar on your right. Every time I see a date in the past that is not in bold it pisses me off.
Somebody call Rich Hall and get a Sniglet going for that.
Hopefully this experiment turned obsession with blogging will pay off by improving my writing as well as my processing, and analysis of information.
Last up, I will finish up my notes from JD Lasica’s presentation on citizen media. Incredibly fun. JD mentioned me on his blog the other day, and for some strange reason my traffic is through the roof. Been reading his book Darknet since gnomedex and it is gggggrrrrreeeeeaaaaattttt!
Hmmmm…. And when you google “one hot piece of rss” I am the only ranking. Hysterical.
So in the last few months I have been cleaning and sharpening my pitch on participatory media/RSS/blogging/podcasting.
I recently got a few friends to create their own blogs, started my own, and have successfully convinced one of my biggest clients to start doing a podcast along with pushing RSS through their organization.
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