Shifting money
“Money Jim, but not as we know it”
Shift Happens
phase shift, paradigm shift
BarCamp seattle
first heard of gnomedex
nothis first public presentation – first use of powerpoint 🙂
theory of money – problems and solutions
proactice of money
core reorganization
next steps
pshift (paradigm shift) happens
in its own good times
whether you like it or not
sometimes you see it coming
sometime in the next few years, everyone will be using open money
give some idea of why it will happen
when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change – max planck
logs -> wheels
materials and mass -> function
are we still shifting logs in cyberspace
not talking about what money is
The Theory of Money
the general condition of money – pours in – pours out
issued in volume
in the position of negotiating a zero sum game
primary function of money is it moves
its (money) function is to come and go
when gone its gone
it doesnt come back
value of $ lies in money itself
trouble – sitting between a trickledown and a pour away
coming in thin and going out fast
local aspect of money
making the resources that facilitate the economy where they are needed
Virtual Barrels
level in barrel up and down phenomenon
in virt bank you have virt level
transaction is virtual between two accounts
becomes self managing closed network
size of the system – no information of how big these can get
in millions rather than thousands
smaller the system the higher the reflux, flowback, regeneration – but less variety
look for balance
measure in any unit – time, KhW, and type
rules as agreed – conceive like an email group – rules determined by initiator and those who choose to join
when someone does favor a variety of options
pay off (out)
pay back (stop)
pay forward (away) – gift exchange dissipates and dies – doesnt scale, go far
pay round round)
closed loop currencies – regenerating concept
quasi-tribal economy
1 then 2, 3, 4, 5
neo tribalists do it with requisite variety
DIVERSITY – not locked into one closed loop – multiple
we are in many
society thrives on it
DIstributed – Open Code (of course)
load factors, stability, security
community currencies –
not replacement or alternatives used with not instead of dollars
internet dumb at the center, smart at the edges
tax accountable where tax applies
open not public
not in competition with anything
not impeded or in conflict
business friendly, persistent loyalty, income not discount
loyalty baased on collab rather than compete
SMB adv. over LB, XLB, XXLB
Markets are COnversations
money is the medium
conventional money carries one way
open money carries in others
open money is to normal
as a laser is to a flashlight
when you spend CC$
and they come back
you keep $
Practice of Money – SOlutions and Problems
practice practice practice
phone message recorder account program
do the whole thing for .25 per transaction
no bricks, mortar, stuff, admin – collective timesharing
1985 – Open Source distro
3k startups of this idea worldwide
comp with one program – not that exciting
multicurrencies was their plan
lots said “do one first” – they got stuck as a result
from 92 – multiple CCs by software
in general – open money
development – no cost, regionally and locally managed
community way
smart cards
variant on united way
community way
smart cards – they have smart cards
8k card, 15 currencies, comes from 270mil
stored value
$10k – entire dev cost
POS device – pocket to pocket transfer
Comox Valley – community way, – no coverage in the western world
nothing local – banks radio, no movement
happend in 98-99
Structure of Scientific revolutions
thomas kuhn
perceptioin is reality
no persistent local success
no software to reach long tail
not a lot of breakthrough – stuck, without software to take thru the localization
Core Reorganization
take accounts in namespaces
names grouped in domains/contexts
recursive to N levels
accounts exchanged
Open Money Ontology
Geof Cheshire, Eric Harris Brown
4 entities
accoutns currencies, flows contexts
mesh of lined URI
“churn for the mesh”
cloud of records
cloud of knowing – doesnt mean everyone knows everything – all out there on the internet and can access with relevant permission
relates communities of identity
identity – reputation space – dont piss in the middle of the room
self mgmt thru the hierarchy of domains
being being being
communtiies of action
trade interact, relate, doiung
behavior in currency is YOU – where you matter
Next Steps
waiting for software for 10 years
published spec in 1995
Open Season
USP – very positive
cost of service – next to nil
development funding from applications
cc fundraising models
cost of getting a business on – $100
transaction cost on cards – $0
propogating it can raise lg sums of money local and other
funds itself on the inside
Playing Games
virtual worlds enough and time
virtual worlds communities
“real” world games
LETSplay – the game everyone wins
-tupperware deal
send them to the online game
fundamentally boring
interested in van city – biggest credit union in canada
where it matters
food security
3rd World Development
funding open works
variety to match the challenges
Open Money Development Group
virtually coop
would work faster
contributions welcome
Money – virtual or real
money is the most active social network
whenever we spend money we are voting – what are we voting for?
1970s – entire economy ran on paper endorsed checks for a year – Ireland? – supporting projects collectively
Thanks very much Sean – you must have fast fingers. The slides I used are now at