Chris and 3 VCs on stage
Chris gives the elevator pitch
new look and feel thanks to liquid orb
300 searches ou tthere that output rss
make your own – tag is your own – functional more than anythign else
organize by category – through the feeds –
todd cochrane launched blubrry with rss search
easily readable urls – push the query throiugh the different rss feeds
takes advantage of opml
export and import for an aggregator
wants to grow this out – a lot of promise
everything you hear of UGC is bullshit – how do you gen revs?
wants to be able to set it up to share rev thru google adsense id, etc. etc. – splitting 50% of traffic to the person generating the content. Pay people for the traffic they send out
mobile and search based
will people look for mobile rss searches – one place to subscribe to – tagjag responsible – filtering and clustering latrer
feedback to chris from vcs
Jeff Clavier
should it be funded – vc, angels, audience
why does he need funding? – bootstrapping
there is nothign wrong with bootstrapping a company that fulfills needs and dreams
angels and vcs dont necessarily want you to take the money
what does he want to achieve
why did he do it – why is he the best person to do that – VC – always a thought to competition – will it be a better solutioin that wink?
vc’s will want you to give 100% of your time
how to solve in the context of the team
in cool idea stage but not vc funded stage – rally free and bootstrap – evolve from neat idea to long term sustainable biz
dont position it as raising a bunch of money
if you suck we will tell you
chit chat – see progression – not 1 event – a process through time
take adv of where the trajectory of the biz goes